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1. To sound a clarion call to all cultural creatives to participate in the co-creation of a newly emerging planetary civilization by independently creating and distributing art, literature and media that makes apparent: 


a. the crisis of consciousness, 
b. the fragmented world it has constructed, 
c. the hidden truth of the unbroken wholeness of man, his world and of the cosmos, 
d. the human imperative of thinking in terms of holism and synergy for integral living. 


2. To sponsor, promote and publish works that contribute valuable ideas that promise to aid in navigating the evolution of the emerging planetary culture: 


e. away from the ecologically unsustainable, old world paradigms which hold material gain and standard of living as the measure of success, 

f. and toward ecologically sustainable, new world paradigms which embrace personal development and quality of life as the final arbiter of success. 



3. To unite those who live and work from the leading edge in the development of human potential to: 


g. discuss the most pressing issues facing the emerging planetary civilization, 
h. to identify obstructions to the peaceful emergence of the planetary civilization, 

i. to innovate holistic, synergetic and nonlinear approaches to the complications facing the irenic emergence of a planetary civilization

j. and to make these solutions freely available for any concerned planetary citizen to act upon as they so deem appropriate. 


4. To establish a community of free-flowing information founded on the values of wisdom, maturity, holism and synergy wherein planetary citizens freely collaborate to: 


k. redefine the collective vision of the emerging planetary civilization by forwarding their own unique contributions 

l. and to provide a forum where the leading edge of human innovation is free to network, share information, coordinate interests and assist each other in furthering their own conscious evolution. 


5. To synchronize a global quorum of personalities and their associated higher selves for the purposes of facilitating the irenic emergence of a planetary civilization: 


m. by organizing global celebrations or conscientious assemblies for purposes of social activism; 
n. by raising funds to produce media essential to disclosing the challenges facing the quest for human continuity as well as the associated solutions
o. and by hosting award ceremonies to commemorate individuals whose creative contributions, individual values and personal lifestyles exemplify the ideals of the emerging culture of living consciously.

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