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"Enter the avant garde of human consciousness, the last undiscovered country, to explore the sines and cosines of your vast and infinite self."


In Asleep in the Helix, American born autodidact and polymath M.A. Carrano succeeds like few others before him through his whole-brain synthesis for a revolutionary, new ethical paradigm: one circumscribing the indispensible principles for overthrowing the forces that stand between the individual and the total realization of his highest human potential.

Drawing upon resources as exotic as quantum physics and chaos theory, on through to the outer limits of transpersonal psychology and the science of cybernetics, Asleep in the Helix amounts to nothing less than the most effective, scientifically advanced platform for personal evolution available in print.

"Beautifully written. Scientifically articulate. Intensively researched. Carrano presents the reader with a mature philosophy that's as theoretically elegant as it is intuitive." -Gaurang Patel, MD

"A thought provoking and interesting treatise!" -Philip Penketh, Ph.D​

"Carrano's arguments, while frequently counterintuitive, strike with a cold sobriety that is not only sensible and clear, but is quite often voiced in a tone that has earned Carrano the status as a conceptual samurai for both his penetrating insights as well as his unflinching ability when it comes to melting down dissenters." -Sarah Afshar, Yahoo! Voices

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